Fudge’s story

“At the age of 3.5 years old Fudge was diagnosed (in the vets’ words) with “the worst hip dysplasia she had ever seen on one side, and standard hip dysplasia on the other side”.

That Christmas I was quoted $25K worth of hip replacement surgery for Fudge, now I LOVED my doggo but that is HUGE, given I was also buying my first house at the time.

I decided to medicate Fudge for as long as I could and then when the time came, I would need to make a difficult decision.

So, Fudge started taking Tricoxil, every month, with annual blood tests to check her liver & kidney function.

Within the next 6 months, she ruptured her ACL and the vet I had at the time, didn’t want to operate to fix it due to her bad hips.

So, at the age of 4 years old, I was faced with putting my beautiful doggo to sleep.

Fortunately, my cousin has a best friend who is a vet and she agreed to do the surgery for me, the ACL repair was completed, failed, then completed again.

Years went by and Fudge was merrily swimming, walking, running, and playing. Fudge got a baby brother when she was 7 years old, a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier called Gus and they rumbled all over the house & yard. She was doing really well.

When Fudge was 8 years old, we moved to Marlborough and after talking to a local vet we decided to test her on Green Lip Mussel Powder (as an experiment) to see if we could take her off the drugs she was taking to protect her liver & kidneys.

Fudge did well on GLM, she took just the GLM, no meds for the last 3 years of her life and she was still walking 3.5kms/day the week before she passed away.

When she passed away, she was 11.5 years old, which isn’t bad for a Labrador, and it was awesome for her given her history.

Obviously, this may not work for everyone, but I have heard loads of positive stories since about people’s experiences with OmegaFlex Green Lipped Mussel Pet Sprinkle powder and Supernol GLM capsules.

It’s worth a try…”
