Bill’s Story

Bill is 63 years old and suffered a heart attack some 13 years ago. Since the heart attack he has suffered from ill health and also suffers from severe allergies.  

He had a quadruple bypass at the end of 2022, and after recovering, earlier this year he began to exercise slowly over short distances.

In March 2023, he started taking our Supernol capsules to ease his arthritis, he was gradually able to extend his exercise, then he bought an ebike so he could bike along the Taylor River and to the shops. 

His quality of life is now far superior with his greater mobility, and he is no longer house bound.

At the end of May 2023, he ran out of Supernol Capsules, and as he was almost pain free, he decided to come off them to see whether he needed them at all. 

After 3 weeks his pain had returned and he was unable to exercise, so he started taking the capsules again.  

The effectiveness of the capsules for Bill can be shown in the table below, comparing his pain levels:

Bill understands that GLM capsules need to be taken regularly for his wellbeing also allowing his exercise regime to continue.

Note: the shellfish allergy is in the protein, not in the oil.